Competitor Part Number Cross Match

Competitor Part Number Cross Match

Find the perfect No-Crush Wheel for your application with our part number comparison chart. The IMAO/FixtureWorks part numbers are a direct match to our part number.

Outside DiamterInside DiameterCore DiameterDurometerFixtureWorks Part Part NumberPurchase Link
2.5"1.0"0.500"40ADR-9502-35UR-EX500NCW-320-40ABuy Now!
0.625"40ADR-9502-35UR-EX625NCW-330-40ABuy Now!
4.0"1.0"0.500"40ADR-9754-35UR-EX500NCW-350-40ABuy Now!
0.750"40ADR-9754-35UR-EX750NCW-370-40ABuy Now!
1.000"40ADR-9754-35UR-EX10NCW-380-40ABuy Now!
2.0"0.500"40ADR-9754-35UR-EX500NCW-400-40ABuy Now!
0.750"40ADR-9754-35UR-EX750NCW-420-40ABuy Now!
1.000"40ADR-9754-35UR-EX10NCW-430-40ABuy Now!

Interested in other molded polyurethane products? is your single source for No-Crush Wheels.  If you're looking for other molded polyurethane products, our parent company - Meridian Laboratory has been a manufacturer producing the highest quality molded polyurethane products in Madison, Wisconsin since 1963.  Meridian Laboratory offers a wide range of standard and custom-molded polyurethane solutions!

Click below and learn how we can deliver standard and custom-molded polyurethane solutions for you!

2415 N. Pleasant View Rd.
Middleton, WI 53562
(608) 831-0300

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